Assembly of another cranes with lifting capacity of 250t each
- Published in News
Since 1st to 28th of April, current year, at the Płock new power plant, FUD Crane Solutions LTD Service department assembled two overhead travelling cranes, with lifting capacity 250t each. In the project, team of 4 to 13 employees was involved. The team changed accordingly to current needs and because of Investor request for urgent crane use, also working weekends were necessary. Assembly process went according to strict technical and term schedule, that was coordinated with another contractors working at the end-customer side. To set the cranes on the railways, which are situated 22m above ground, another crane with lifting capacity of 400t was used.
29th and 30th of April, Technical Inspection was carried out, at which , load tests with load of 312,5t, were performed. Inspection was positive and finished with signing protocol approving safe operation of the cranes.